Ercilio Vento Canosa

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Ercilio Vento Canosa

Ercilio Vento Grey-Haired

Doctor of Medicine, specialist of 1er and 2do Grado in Medicina Legal, Matanzas's professor of Medicina Legal and Medical ethics of Ciencias Médicas's Faculty, investigator Auxiliar; Teacher, Antropología Sociocultural's professor in Espeleología and historian of Matanzas's City.

He is born in Killings, the October 17, 1947. In 1964 he founded the first fact-finding movement speleological at Matanzas's province, which as the matancero got the carso's potentiality on relief and it added the knowledge of national geography the existence of the bigger cave phreatic system of the country. For the first time Matanzas the obligor in anyone of speleological worldly publications to be the headquarters of one of the greatest subterranean systems in his type, appeared like reference.

He initiates his activity in collaboration with the defense. In that same period he directed Historia Natural's Museum of Matanzas's Institute Preuniversitario, closed from he did many years. In this work he got for himself the rescue of important pieces, his collection was incremented and he took the knowledge of students and professors the value of so historic museum. In 1967 the first discovery of proofs accomplished aborigines in the center of the province, which as hypothesis on the indigenous poblamiento of Canímar's area permitted knowing news. In 1969 he accomplished the study of 1250 subterranean cavities and he created the first military cadastre and civilian of Matanzas's caves.

Pathogenic germs's existence was the first to discover 1974 in the middle subterranean. In 1975 he created and he published the method for the determination of datings for quantification of collagen, which as it permitted ordering all of the aboriginal chronology of the country. In his work of thesis for the obtaining of the specialty, he was the first Latin American and the eighth investigator in the world in creating a method for the calculation of the age through the histological study of a bone that the expert advice of the Dr was worth him, technique. Douglas Ubelaker, forensic anthropologist of the FBI and Curator of the Apartment of Antropología of the Smithsonian Institution. The created technique is totally original.

The founder of the first Committee Espeleológico of Cuba went in 1978, it as it was used as base to the constitution of the future structure of the Society Espeleológica of the country. In 1982 Canimar discovered the funerary aboriginal open-cast bigger place of Cuba, in the river's occidental bank of the river. In that period he worked with reputable archeologists like Betty Meggers, of the Smithsonian Institution, Fernando Luna Calderón, of the College of St. Domingo and Marcio Veloz Magliolo of the man Dominicano's Museum. For this time he collaborated in the identification and seal's recuperation of the only one front teeth prehistoric of Cuba, which as he demonstrated unequivocally his presence in Matanzas.

In 1985 he went from the first school of speleology of the central region of Cuba directorly, created in Matanzas and elected Vicepresidente of the Society Espeleológica of Cuba. In 1989 and right now like Jefe of Espeleosocorro's National group, the Assistant Secretary of the Commission Internacional of Espeleosocorrismo, for the area of Latin America was elect and the Carib, at the course of the X Espeleología's Congress Internacional celebrated in Budapest, Hungría.En 1990 he presented in a Congress Internacional the tests of Sífilis's existence among the aborigines of Cuba, maritime scoutings for the first time in Matanzas and he published the first medical total essay on the aboriginal paleopatología of Cuba. Of 1994 to the endings of that decade, he created and Determinación's first Commission of Aptitud for the Prison System took the chair . The designee Delegado went from the Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez of Nature and the man achieving than decree him National Heritage Bellamar's Cavern, the Cavern of Santa Catalina and Bellamar's or Cuevas's System Cavernario of Bellamar, like legacy to the cultural wealth and native of Matanzas.

In 1997 he identified definitively the negroid characters of an aboriginal population at Matanzas's surroundings. For the first time the definite one belonging to this finding to confirm the multiracial character of the aborigines of America came out . The member of Arqueología's Piece Of Advice Editorial Without Fronteras is labeled, Spain. In 1998 the premorten in osseous remains developed a method for the identification of traumatisms, which as the solution of cases of police investigation in Matanzas permitted . The first toxic- substances in use compilation for the practitioners of modern sorcery in Matanzas, for his handling created from 1986 criminalístico. XIX rescued for the national heritage Josefa Ponce's body of Lion, only person preserved at the country with traditional techniques of the Century.

In 1998 the elected Presidente went from the Society Espeleológica of Cuba in substitution of the Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez, to his decease. In that same year the town, like recognition went with the reply of the aboriginal canoe found at Martí's municipality, in occasion of the centennial of saying distinguishedly to the communities's work of study Matanzas's aborigines. In this especial opportunity the Commander In Chief Fidel Castro, the military's Minister, Ejército Raúl Castro's General, Cultura Abel Prieto's Minister, the Historian of the City of Havana, Eusebio Leal, the Chairman Of The Meeting Nacional Richard Alarcón and another intellectuals like the Dr received the distinction. Putting together Hart and Cintio Vitier.

He labored in paleontologic investigations with the Dr. Military caps Mac Phee, Curador of Vertebrados of Historia Natural's Museum of New York and archeological with Eduard Alexandrenko, of Antropología's Institute of San Petersburgo. The book published Soul of the city to beginnings of 2001 act that he complements other ones two dedicated books in exclusive to Matanzas, divulged for the country and the foreigner. The work dedicated to Matanzas has been filmed for the television and divulged in all America, Europe and África.En 2003 his book published Last Dwelling, first and only historic study of Matanzas's cemeteries, he acts to the one that he dedicated 30 years of investigations to. In 2004 it attains Investigador Auxiliar's category for the Commission of the Academy Of Sciences of Cuba.

In 2005 Profesor Invitado of the Law School was labeled of the Universidad Camilo Cienfuegos of Matanzas and Titling of Antropología Sociocultural of the headquarters Universitaria Medardo Vitier Guanche, of Matanzas. Designate member of the group writer of Matanzas's Historia for the chapter Prehistoria. It gets into print in December 2005 “ Matanzas's Mummy. A Encounter in the history ”, book that picks up all of the investigation, historic, anthropological and medical legal, right after 25 years of work that they conclude with Lion's reconstruction of Josefa Ponce's real face, only body mummified that XIX keeps in good condition with the techniques of the century. This book I prove to be of Salud's Reward Anual for the year 2006.En winningly the year a plaquet dedicated to the Day Mundial of the entitled Alzhaimer publishes 2007 Si occasionally, translated to English and once December 2006 was divulged in Estados Unidos of America En he is elected to be a part of the international group that takes care of the investigations of the man's origin, directed for Paleoecología Humana's and Evolución Social's Institute Catalán where the more prestigious worldwide specialists participate .

Member of Medicina Legal's Society Cubana, Historia's Sociedad Cubana of medicine, Sociedad Cubana of scientific Historia and Technology, Sociedad Cubana of Sanitary Engineering and Ciencias of the Environment, Antropología Biológica's Sociedad Cubana, the Red Cross's Sociedad Cubana, Sociedad Cubana, Medicina Familiar's Sociedad Cubana of Morbid Anatomy, Sociedad Espeleológica of Cuba, National Union of Historiadores of Cuba, Asociación Numismática, Esperanto's Asociación Cubana of Cuba, Sociedad Epigráfica Española, Grup Espeleologic Vilanova i Piera, Federación Territorial Valenciana of Espeleología, Sociedad Cubana of Geología, Asociación of Lengua and CulturaCatalana, Speleological Italian Society, Society Cuban of Traditional Medicine, National Union of Writers and Artists of Hogshead, Friends's of the country Society Cheap To Run.

In 1964 he founds the first fact-finding movement speleological at Matanzas's province. In 1965 his investigations about prehistory Cuban at San Carlos's cemetery they take it to find the mummy and they have turned it into one of our investigating días.Este's scholars he hosted a mummy at his house during 20 years. A something extravagant event was not enough to the eyes of no matanceros. The outlandish incident was had by Vento carelessly, in this respect he expressed : “Absolutely I am accustomed to live together with something so natural. The human stripping is not nothing of the other world, here he was watched with respect even than the Museum possessed necessary conditions ” The risky episode reveals now in all his details in a low volume the title itself: Matanzas's mummy, an encounter with the history.

In occasion of the creation of Junco's present-day Museum Provincial Palacio, all his archeological collection donated the funds of the museum and accomplished the set-up of its living room of archeology, the province's bigger and more little r and join of the more important ones belonging to the country. He accomplished the first investigations that the aborigines revealed the existence of migrations to Matanzas of groups no mongoloides. The discoverer of pre-Columbian syphilis in Cuba is . Like the Semanario Yumurí's member of Redacción's Piece Of Advice, Rincones Perdidos published chronicles, traditions and Matanzas's legends, picking ups next in the book he is a dedicated book in exclusive to Matanzas and his history.

In occasion of the Tercentennial of the city, he published besides the first compilation on aboriginal history of Matanzas. He created in Ciencias Médicas's Faculty Paleopatología's first Cathedra and only existent at the country. In this event's frame the bigger and only collection of pieces constituted paleopatológicas of Cuba, so that Matanzas converted in reference obligor for these studies himself. A method for the identification of the sex for the hueso.En's histological study discovered that time he developed the first identificational elements for the race with proceeding similar and he has been the first and only Cuban in accomplishing microscopic studies in osseous remains of the Neanderthal man. He proposed, and he was accepted, as a token of Matanzas's city, the bridge's columns Lacret Morlot. Accomplish a program in the national television on historic divulgation in traditions and legends of Cuba and two programs in the provincial radio dedicated to the scientific divulgation. He possesses over 100 publications among goods, monographs, essays and books in Cuba, France, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Russia and Statuses Unidos. The member of 16 Societies is Cubans and foreigners. At present Presidente of the Commission comes from Matanzas's Monuments and of the society the Society Speleological of he loads up than perform from 1998.