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Municipal Direction of Education Matanzas

Direction: Milanés enter America and two of May

Telephone: 45243538

The director's name: Humberto Vicente Goatherd Gómez

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Name of the communicator and telephone: Brenda Pérez Mirabal. 53598653

Before 1959 1 existed at the country over million illiterate that indicated I abandon a total of the status for instruction and his townspeople's education, once this abandon in the lack of schools was shown and the need of many families to incorporate minors of 14 years to the work. A bourgeoisie's part added to the revolutionary triumph the population's humble classroom and it leant decisive homeworks in the transformation that the society was demanding an one belonging to the more important the eradication went from illiteracy. The municipality the matancero contributed brigadistas's bigger percentage to the Literacy Campaign among the ones that were finding professors of distinct student centers, standing out young people Maestros Primarios's students of ancient Escuela's third and fourth year and the ones belonging to the High School.

As from 1961 the education in Matanzas initiates a change in its pedagogic molds not only in the elimination of the privatization of teaching but for the new roads that it undertook . In that year Faro of America founded the first infantile circle himself with the Ministry Of Education's total support, the Centro Escolar Miguel Sandarán is inaugurated in Ceiba Mocha for the children of the zone. Himself fudaron schools educationally worker peasant: Reynaldo González Galainena, Facultad Obrero Campesina Julio Antonio Mella and the Calixto García, in addition to classrooms of overcoming in the centers of work. Secondary education was benefitted with the foundation of another basic secondary schools in addition to the already existent that gave an increase of capability under consideration for this tuitional type among them they are :

Generation of the Centennial.
The Moncada's Heroes.
Naive González.

In 1964 he founded Idiomas Federico Engels's School, from then on centers of technical teaching like the Ernest Thaelman, the Antonio Maceo and the technological Alvaro Reynoso, Vocacional Carlos Marx, Artes's Escuela, Escuela Pedagógica René Fraga Moreno, Deportes Luis Augusto Turcios Lima's Escuela, Vocational School, Educadoras's Escuela of Círculos Infantiles Hermanas Giralt ( in these moments missing ).
The school for deaf dumb children, late in learning and weak visual.

Infantile circle for children without son-and-daughter protection, a house with equals characteristic for children at primary ages and secondary school.
Center of juvenile Reeducation.

He begins 70 to the 80 in the decade to develop Education Superior, at Matanzas's municipality five faculties start functioning : Give medicine, Technologies, Agricultural, Economy at the Superior Pedagogic Institute John Marinello Vidaurreta. Already in 1976 it got constituted like Centro Universitario of Matanzas ( CUM ) naming him to him Institute Agro Industrial Camilo Cienfuegos. In 1980 Ciencias Médicas's Faculty becomes independent center just like the Instituto Superior Pedagógico Juan Marinello for diurnal courses and Superación Educacional's ( ISE ) and Instituto's Institute of Perfeccionamiento Educacional ( IPE ) these two last in the present time missing.

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